London Contract Cleaning Services

With over 15 years of experience in the cleaning industry, we provide professional cleaning services in London that go above and beyond. Our commitment to quality is backed by continuous innovation and the latest cleaning technology. Unlike other cleaning companies, we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs, ensuring every cleaning package is personalized to meet individual requirements.

What sets us apart from other contractors is our hands-on experience. We’ve been in the field, liaising with customers daily, and have gained valuable insights into the best cleaning methods and strategies that guarantee client satisfaction. Whether you’re looking for residential or commercial cleaning, our expert team delivers results that exceed expectations.

Additional Cleaning Services

Professional Virus Decontamination Cleaning from a Certified cleaning company

Decontamination Cleaning London

With the current COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak now effecting UK’s businesses. Ecoserve Cleaning has..

Waste Clearence South

We offer a comprehensive clearance service for items and household waste, including sheds and garages.

Deep Cleaning Services in London

Ecoserve Cleaning have strict procedures in place to ensure a logical process is followed..

Security & Vetting

Our cleaners must pass an enhanced DBS check on employment, wear a uniform and carry their I.D badges at all times. This way we safeguard your facility from unsuitable individuals.

attendance ecoserve
Attendance Monitoring

We record and track the attendance of our operatives to ensure your facility’s cleaning is completed on every schedule visit. This way you only pay for hours completed.

attention to detail
attention to detail

Attention to detail with everything we do is what makes us stand out from the rest. We work very close with customers to understand their specific needs, while keeping a close eye on your budget.

eco-friendly services

We work only with suppliers that are committed to contribute towards the environment by using recycled materials, environmentally friendly chemicals and energy saving equipment.