Exposure to Covid-19 is a public health risk which affects all citizens and has implications for all workplaces as it can prevent a health risk to employees and other persons at a place of work. COVID-19 is a new respiratory illness. It has not previously been seen in humans. This type of Coronavirus is also known as 2019-nCov or Novel Coronavirus.

Policy: It is the policy of the Ecoserve Cleaning that we follow all public health advice to seek to prevent the spread of the illness and that we follow correct procedures in the event that any individual comes in contact with it.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to set out the procedures and practices that will apply in all places of work that Ecoserve Cleaning is operating, to attempt to minimise the spread of illness and where employees become ill, to guide them on what they should do in case of infection.

Scope: This policy applies to all employees of Ecoserve Cleaning Ltd.

Definitions: COVID-19 is a new respiratory illness.

Symptoms: Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those of influenza. It typically causes flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

Protective procedure: All people are required to wash their hands regularly and use alcohol liquid dispensers where they are available. Cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. You may also periodically use disinfectant wipes where provided to clean hard surfaces. These should not however be used on touch screen monitors as they will damage those screens. The HSE advises people should adhere to the following guidelines to help prevent the spread of the illness:

1-Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

2-Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with paper tissue or your sleeve – the virus spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes;

3-Dispose of dirty tissues quickly and carefully – bin them and wash your hands afterwards;

4-Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Action on developing symptoms at home or at work: If any employee develops symptoms at home or at work, they should self-isolate immediately, contact their GP by telephone and follow his/her direct medical advice. The employee should seek the advice of relevant medical staff regarding any obligation to communicate details of their illness to the Company or individuals with whom the employee has recently been in contact as the employee’s medical situation becomes clearer. Self-isolating is staying in-doors (going home) and avoiding contact with others.

Action if employee is symptomatic but not being tested: If an employee is symptomatic but their GP decides that they do not need to be tested, they must self-isolate for 10 days. Employees should still follow normal absence procedures.

Action if employee lives in a household where someone is a confirmed case, symptomatic or is awaiting a test/result: If an employee is well but lives in a household where another member of that household is a confirmed case, symptomatic or awaiting a test, then the employee has to restrict their movement. They need to restrict their movements for 10 days, but if the person they live with has a test and it is negative, they do not need to wait 10 days before returning to work. Restricting movement includes not going to work.

Travel: The illness is now in all countries world-wide. As this is a rapidly evolving situation, we advise that you visit the following website for up-to-date travel advice.

The advice of the HSE should always be followed if an employee has returned from an affected area. As you will be aware, the government is advising to must not leave home or travel, including internationally, unless you have a legally permitted reason to do so. They have also advised that any individual who returns from any other country should restrict their movements and not to attend work for 10 days even if you have tested negative.

Should any individual travel abroad effective from 18th March 2020 – and as a consequence – they are unable to attend work due to:

(a) Government advice, or

(b) On the instructions of the HSE, or

(c) On the instructions of a GP,

then we reserve the right not to pay that employee for that period of absence post return.

Absenteeism in the event of the illness of a family member: In general, all employees are entitled for 2 weeks Covid-19 SSP, some employees will normally take annual leave for short term illnesses (of a child for instance) subject to the approval of Ecoserve Cleaning. In the event that there is a symptomatic or confirmed case in your household, then you must follow the advice of the HSE as outlined above.

Attendance policy: Employees unable to attend work due to COVID-19 must at all times follow Ecoserve Cleaning absence policy and all normal absence procedures.

Collection of personal information about employees’ and family members: There may be exceptional circumstances where you choose to provide the Company with information that is beyond what is normally retained for employees, e.g. relevant details of recent travel patterns and movements. Where employees provide such information to Ecoserve Cleaning, it will process the information confidentially and in accordance with relevant data protection law.

Updates regarding COVID-19 are available from the following sources:

Operations Director – Ecoserve Cleaning Limited- 8th September 2020

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